Chandramukhi 2 Movie Filmy4wap - Filmy4wap

Chandramukhi 2 Movie Filmy4wap

Chandramukhi 2, the sequel to the acclaimed horror film Chandramukhi, directed by P. Vasu, has recently hit the big screens. Starring Raghava Lawrence and Kangana Ranaut in pivotal roles, the movie has garnered attention through its extensive promotion. Now, let’s delve into the film and explore its various aspects.

Plot Summary:
The story revolves around a wealthy family led by Radhika Sarathkumar, facing numerous challenges. Advised by Rao Ramesh, they decide to offer prayers to their family deity, situated near Vettaiya’s palace. Unaware of the malevolent spirit of Chandramukhi in the palace, the family encounters unexpected challenges. The narrative unfolds the struggles faced by Radhika’s family, the connection between Madhan (Lawrence) and Radhika’s family, and the true intentions of Chandramukhi’s spirit.

Kangana Ranaut, a National Award-winning actress, delivers an outstanding performance as Chandramukhi. Her portrayal is both convincing and visually stunning, complemented by her impressive dance sequences. The film succeeds in polishing the backstory of Chandramukhi, adding a unique touch to the narrative. Lawrence’s portrayal of the character Vettaiyan showcases a commendable level of conviction. The action sequence between Kangana and Lawrence is a standout moment, with both actors displaying solid intensity. Emotional scenes and Lakshmi Menon’s surprising role also contribute positively to the film.

Despite its strengths, Chandramukhi 2 falls short in delivering thrilling moments, a crucial element for a horror film. The focus on drama disappoints fans seeking the adrenaline rush typical of the genre. The first half suffers from disjointed storytelling and lacks the comedic charm that made the original Chandramukhi popular. Vadivelu’s character and the outdated comedy become major drawbacks, while the poorly written love track further hinders the film’s impact. The absence of spooky environments and jump scares contributes to the film’s lack of true horror elements.

Technical Aspects:
M.M. Keeravani’s background score attempts to elevate the film, but the writing fails to create gripping scenes. Rajasekhar’s cinematography is commendable, accompanied by appreciable set work. However, the VFX portions are subpar, and the editing does not meet the desired standards. P. Vasu’s direction, while embellishing Chandramukhi’s backstory, falls short in maintaining the horror element, with the screenplay and comedy scenes in the first hour undermining the film’s impact.

Chandramukhi 2, while having its moments, is a mixed bag. The second half outshines the first, with alterations to the original story. Kangana Ranaut steals the show, and Lawrence delivers a noteworthy performance. However, the film lacks the expected thrilling moments of a horror flick, and the first half, plagued by silly comedy, becomes a significant drawback. While not a bad film, Chandramukhi 2 fails to achieve the memorable status of its predecessor, making it a somewhat average viewing experience.”

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